Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I finished the little vest (well all except for weaving in some ends). The neckline looks a bit on the smallish side, but it's very stretchy. I can pull it over my own head, so it should be fine for even a really big headed two to three year old.

And I'm back on track with the purple vest. The back is done and I have a good start on one of the front pieces.

I'm hoping to get at least to the bottom of the armhole by the end of the day.


  1. Bonne Chance with the purple vest. The vest looks cute enough to eat!

  2. That is just too darn cute!

  3. Cool vest! I love vests, great for added warmth without adding too much bulk around the arms (that you'd get from a jacket). I loved putting a vest on DD when it was a little cooler indoors. Of course now that she's almost 4, she is developing her own opinion about clothes and doesn't always agree with my suggestions.


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