Sunday, March 01, 2009


We had a full house yesterday at Last Saturday Knitting, which was wonderful. Laura wore her Must Have Cardigan, Dale-Harriet brought many (though not all) of her baby hats, and told us all about her stunning new costume for the Historical Society outreach programs. (If you want to know just how stunning it is, she has pictures on her blog.) Elizabeth brought her camera (as well as something special to be noted a little further on) so it may be that actual people pictures will appear soon on her blog. As always, Linda, was good company. She's been pretty directly hit by the recession,damn it anyway, and we're all pulling for her.

Brenda was working on a lovely pair of fingerless gloves, Molly Bee (fresh from cable surgery) was knitting DNA, and KittyMommy (Queen of Sauerkraut) was making fish (hats).

My project du jour was a child's vest that I'm knitting from leftovers. When finished, it will go to the service project I'm currently involved with. It's semi-improvisational; the pattern stitches evolved as I worked. I also changed my mind twice on the armhole treatment while working my way up to it, and the neckline treatment is still "in development". It's been a fun, and fairly quick knit.

But what is that subtly elegant object sitting on top of it? That is my new double pointed needle case. Elizabeth made it for me, and I love it.

It's lined with some fabric I had passed along to (palmed off on) her last month. I love the elastic closure loop, less fiddly than ties. I love the combination of fabrics. What a graceful blend of form and function, and extra special because it's from a friend.


  1. Verrah nice vest! I love the idea of using up leftovers in an improvisational garment.

  2. It was so great to see everybody yesterday and catch up a little bit!

    Your little vest is shaping up very nicely!

  3. I like the kiddie vest-it will be spiffy!

    Thanks for dropping by and turning the Bundts over in your mind. I know you do a lot of small town fundraising in your neck of the woods-they are easy to work with, and you should consider it.

    (It's also really easy to splash out and buy a bunch of stuff when you know a lot of the price is going to a charity!!!)

  4. You all can relax about the pictures thing. One was out of focus and the other two had too many of us caught at unflattering moments. I'll try again next time.

  5. Very nice way to use up leftovers.

  6. Love the needle roll! I got a new one as a surprise Christmas gift from an internet friend. The elastic is a great idea!

  7. Wasn't Saturday fun! Love your needle roll!

  8. Aww, thanks *blushes*

    And to think that I used to be so nervous at Last Saturday Knitting. Now I don't know what I'd do without you all. Good friends - what a treasure.

  9. the needle case is brilliant:)


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