Saturday, February 07, 2009

Getting to Know You

I've knit up a first swatch with the yarn I want to use for my vest (Brown Sheep Superwash). This first swatch is partly to check gauge, and partly just to get to know the yarn - how it feels and behaves.


"How it behaves" so far is a fair amount of bias. I'll wash and dry it (which I would want to do for accurate gauge measurement anyway) and see if that helps at all.

This kind of biasing just seems to happen with certain yarns, though I've had more trouble with singles, and this is a three ply. I think I've read somewhere that it is more common for Continental knitters, of which I am one.

I suppose I could try again with the yarn in my right hand. It would probably be good practice. I do all right with "throwing" on the knit rows, it's the purl one's that will take some getting used to.

(Time passes)

I did knit a second swatch carrying the yarn in my right hand. It felt slowly and painfully awkward. And it still went on the bias.

So I washed both swatches and have laid them out to dry. Washing seems to have straightened things out considerably, and also to have changed row gauge a bit. So now I'll start noodling around with swatching pattern stitches.

I basically want a simple cardigan vest that comes just below my waist, with some sort of fairly easy cable running up each side of the front opening. But what cable? And what stitch for the edges and button bands? And maybe a subtle texture on the body, instead of all stockinette? Hmmmm.


It's been fun seeing what some of you probably won't knit. (Kitty Mommy, I'm pretty sure your's are ones I definitely won't knit).

I probably won't ever knit arugami (though I think some of them are really cute), but if I ever have a grandchild I may knit a nice floppy bunny toy.

I'm pretty sure I will never knit hot pants, but maybe someday a pair of "nethergarments" (a/k/a nice warm long underwear).

I don't think I'll ever knit a tote bag out of re-cycled strips of plastic grocery bags. I tried that once years and years ago and the process was so unpleasant I never finished it.

I doubt that I'll ever knit a Clapotis or a Baby Surprise or soakers - all perfectly valid items, just not on my list.


  1. Isn't it weird how you can knit differently and get the same results. I throw the yarn. I can purl continental style, but my knitting is awful and it hurts because I somehow dig into my cuticle until it's sore.

  2. I recently tried 'throwing' again, the method I used until a couple of years ago. My tension was noticeably tighter than with my continental style. But slower, of course.

    Soakers? Not. Baby Surprise? Maybe. Clapotis? Twice now, it's fun and fast, great TV knitting.

  3. I feel proud that I was able to decipher "Ruh Roh." I guess paying attention while my kids watch Scooby Doo videos from the library is paying off :-)


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