Sunday, January 04, 2009

Not (!) Hard to Get Rid Of

Every year, our friend Aileen in California sends exactly the same gift. And it is always perfect. Utterly enjoyable, and takes up no storage space whatsoever. (Well a little space on the table for a few days, but none at all after that.)

Waaaay back in May I started a second Hudson River Triangle, and during the early summer I finished about 75%. Then it sat. Around about September I finished all but about the last 15 rows. Then it sat. I don't know why. It just did. Finally, during our long drive to Illinois on the 27th, I polished it off. This morning I wove in the ends, gave it a soak, and spread it out to dry.

Maybe by next summer I'll feel motivated to give it a more formal blocking, but maybe not.


  1. OMG! See's are SOOOOOO my favorite chocolates. My Aunt sends them from CA too. She sent Mum and I a box for Christmas. YUM! Lovely shawl!!!

  2. have a chocolate for me!

  3. See's is ubiqutitous here (in CA), I just assumed they were everywhere else too. Mmm, good chocolate!

  4. Meh. You can tell I am a Midwesterner. Fannie Mae, all the way.


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