Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I've been spending a bit of time

(too much, probably) looking at Suffolk churches. Online of course, not in person. It all started when I did a Google image search for "angel roofs". (Those of you who are Dorothy Sayers fans will understand why.) The search led to a really exceptional website and now I stay up too late at night looking at pictures.

In the same search I came up with The Sock Tsarina's The Nine Tailor's Sock I will never knit this (too many things on my mental list already) but I'm delighted by the thematic and technical virtuosity and the fact that someone has based a sock pattern on one of my favorite books.

Packed up and ready to go (#7)

Odds and ends of yarn destined for the High School art teacher, who has already told me she can put them to good use.

If you have been keeping track, you may notice that I am already probably close to eliminating 50 discreet items from my life. But there is still such a lot of stuff to be eliminated that I am aiming for 50 groups of items - though a "group" can be anything from two on up.


  1. Suffolk churches......sounds like you need to come over to the UK for a holiday :)

  2. What a beautiful site! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Sounds like you've got an idea for your next vacation!

  4. Cool website!

  5. DearJay and I were in Suffolk for three weeks in Oct. 2004... Ipswich, Woodbridge, Felixstowe, and all points around. Wow, the site even has All Saints in Hollesley, just a quarter-mile from where we were. Lovely, really. Wish I could go back.

    (Hm. Verification word is detro. Sounds like one of those new drugs... oh, wait, that's detrol.)

  6. Dang. Now I have to look for Somerset churches. WTG. Down the rabbit hole I go.


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