Saturday, January 10, 2009

An Invite

Yesterday's mail brought "A personal invitation to join the knitting elite" from Vogue Knitting. Think my name will go up in lights somewhere if I subscribe?

Now if they could magically bestow on me the wit (and sheer productivity) of the Yarn Harlot, along with Debbie New's technical ingenuity and Deborah Newton's knowledge of garment construction, then throw in the color sense of Kaffe Fassett or Kristin Nicholas, oh and Janet Szabo's skill with cables and Nicki Epstein's general brilliance - well, in that case I'd happily sign up for life.

But somehow, I think membership in "the knitting elite" takes more than just buying four magazines a year.


  1. They magically reareange the stars so that there will be a new constellation named after you.

  2. Got that too. Did you notice that their free pattern - which you might think would be something a bit upscale - was for a basic ribbed hat? Huh??

  3. Can you imagine if all the (living) greats got together to create one pattern? I'd add Mari Lynn Patrick and Norah Gaughan and maybe even Lucy Neatby....
    What could they create as a team?

  4. Oh definitely good additions to the list!


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