Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hmmm, could be a slipper....

I did this

to test knit a heel. Wanted to make sure that the numbers I came up with on paper actually worked. After setting it down and glancing back at it, I realized that if I just kept knitting a while and then put a toe on it I would have a slipper. I want some slippers, but in heavier yarn. So what you see is probably as far as this particular piece will go. I'll tuck the idea away for later, though.

The yarn is Bernat "Sox", a 60/40 Acrylic/Nylon blend. And for what it is, it's not bad at all: Which is to say, Acrylic will never be Merino, but I've also felt wool blends that weren't appreciably softer, to my touch anyway. My feet (I can't think of a way to put this more delicately) sweat a lot. So for my own use I want sock yarn with some wool or cotton in it. Still, I could see using this yarn for kids' socks, or for a baby sweater.


Today's disposal category is "Things that need to be washed first". (I'm sure St. Vinny's gets lots of donations that aren't clean, but hey, I'm trying to be virtuous here). This lot (#11 ) is just two aprons and a bathrobe. I would show you, but they are in the washing machine.


  1. I am loving the privilege of following your disposal progress. Through it I am de-cluttering my own home... vicariously :-)

  2. My feet "glow" as well but it's an excellent idea - start a sock at the heel and get slippers......

    I'll have to think on it...

    want to come and declutter here? You'd have a ball!

  3. Hmmm. I've always assumed you're supposed to donate clean clothes so never really thought people gave unwashed clothes.

    How clever to turn your testing into a quick low-cut sock/slipper.

    Ok, is it me or is everyone else having a problem seeing the word verifications today. It is NOT there, and I have to "refresh" for it to appear. This has happened more than once today.


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