Thursday, December 18, 2008

So Much Fun

I'm usually not very good about getting out Christmas cards - a few to immediate family and a couple of old friends - and they are lucky if the cards arrive by Epiphany. But this year I had 17 in the mail, by the first of December to people I have never met in person.

Some folks from the Knitters for Obama group on Ravelry had a card exchange and I decided to join. Boy was it worth it.

It has been so much fun getting a wide variety of cards from all over the country. I just love seeing the different styles people picked/made. Some even had little prizes inside.

This tiny origami heart is so cute!

Thanks Tracy for the nice words about my table cloth. I made it many, many years ago. It seemed to take forever, but won me my only County Fair blue ribbon ever.


And to the rest of you, if making paper snowflakes online hasn't been your thing, check out Tracy's blog for a link to create the fastest (and possibly cheesiest - it's up to you) Christmas sweater ever.

(One way or another, I will provide you with ways to waste time you should be using to wrap presents/bake/take care of your family. If the snowflakes and sweaters aren't enough, check out the "Christmas Hathos" video clips Andrew Sullivan has amassed. You'll have to scroll down though the rest of his postings to get them all. I can't decide on my favorite. Cher? Charo? or possibly this.

I swear I can't get enough of it.


  1. Love it! For the first bit, I was wondering what the appeal was, but once it started rockin' I was there!

  2. So many shiny lights - fabulous!


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