Sunday, October 26, 2008

Well finally, it's about time

that I finished off the Crest o' the Wave Socks. And I did yesterday at Last Saturday Knitting. Now they are washed and drying.

After knitting the second toe, I realized that I hadn't brought a tapestry needle along - so much for grafting - so I just closed the tips with a three needle bind off.

It leaves a little ridge on the outside, but I thought "what the heck". Did have to leave the loose yarn ends unwoven until I got home.


We had a bit of a scare with Mr. Baxter this week. On Thursday evening, he did not show up for his dinner - highly unusual, usually he's down the stairs at the first sound of the cat food can popping open. So I thought he must have slipped out the door at some time. I went and called, but no sign of him. It was rainy and cold, not the sort of weather he is likely to roam in. I searched the house. I went outside and called again, and again, took a flashlight and searched around the yard and up and down the block.
Mr S and I finally went to bed with very heavy hearts. Owls, coyotes, cars, dogs, traps, a cold rainy night....

The next morning after Mr S left for work, I searched the house again, then went outside and called and looked and looked. By this time we were convinced that he had gotten outside and was in a very bad way unable to get home. I went up and sat at the computer to email Mr S that things did not look good. I turned around in my chair. And there was Baxter sleeping on the futon behind me. It was almost unnerving. He was most definitely not there when I sat down. It was as if he had just appeared out of thin air.

He was very lethargic, and it looked like he had a cut on his front leg. After a trip to the vet it seems that it was a bite, and he has been fighting an infection. He's on antibiotics now and improving nicely. I still can't for the life of me figure out where he was hiding all that night. But that's OK. We're just glad to have him back.


  1. It's heart-stopping when a furkid goes missing and could be out in the Cold Dangerous World. Shadow went missing for 2 days once; we found her under the house, slightly beaten up, but OK. Midnight has found some Other Dimension that she sometimes hides in, of course when we've accidentally left the screen door open. So glad that Baxter has been found and will be back to normal soon.

    Great socks!

  2. Cats seem to have that uncanny ability to disappear and reappear at will. Glad he is home and doing well.

  3. oh Baxter! Get well soon :)

  4. I'm so glad he's ok. Perry P was bitten rather badly last year by the (now gone) neighbor's cat and I didn't know it until it abscessed.

    As catbookmom says, it's so scary when a furkid goes missing, or gets ill in any way. I'm glad he's home and know he's getting great care and lots of treats.

  5. Oh No! Poor Baxter! Give him a big ol' smooch from me. He's on antibiotics so it should be safe although I am a walking bucket of bad gris gris lately. LOVE the socks-especially the lacey tops!

  6. Poor Baxter.

    Our cats have this trick where they get shut up in the garage. We call and look and finally one of us remembers that the garage was open the day before. D'oh.

    The socks are wonderful.

  7. Sorry I'm late in reading this - glad to hear that Baxter is doing fine. The spontaneous appearing though? Kinda creepy...

  8. What a scare! Good to hear Baxter is recovering.

    The socks look great. Love how you got the stripes to match up on both.


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