Thursday, October 02, 2008

Things to Come

We had our first frost on the ground this morning. Just a light dusting, gone by 7:30, but still portentous.

It's been a busy week: dentist appointment Tuesday morning, political pot luck Tuesday evening, which meant cooking in the afternoon. I made Mac and Cheese because 1) it's one of the rare dishes I can make reliably well, 2) it's good "comfort food" for a fall evening and 3) I knew at least one vegetarian would be attending.

Yesterday I subbed again for the High School secretary, so that was a full day gone.

Today, at least this evening after my shift at the library, I may actually get to some knitting. Those sock feet really need to be finished up. And there is a scarf I started over the weekend.
Big needles, seed stitch, nothing fancy at all. But the yarns are pretty. There is a little mohair halo, and though you can't tell from the picture, some metallic silver sparkle.
I'm all excited because the new Knitcircus magazine is out, including in it's contents my little handwarmers. And if you click on that linky, you can see their picture. Wheee!


  1. I'm loving the cool air, though I'd better get a new filter for our air filter before we turn on the furnace... Thanks for the heads up regarding Knitcircus; I'll have to go check it out!

  2. Cool Gloves! That yarn is purpley, mohair and has sparkles?!?!?! Nothing wrong with that! Love the seed stitch!

  3. Congratulations on the mitts:)

  4. Cute handwarmers in a great color too! I feel rather ignorant, I had never heard of that magazine before, but then, I'm really not acquainted with any of the knitting magazines. I'll try to remember to take a lookie next time I'm at one of the big bookstores.

  5. Hey, I forgot to tell you that I gave the copies of the last Knitcircus to the 2 LYSes here. And thanks for one you sent for me--it looks great!

  6. Wait, nevermind--I keep forgetting to tell Elizabeth that! (Should not comment at work!)


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