Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's a rainy day today, and for once I don't have a list of other things to do, so I decided that it was time to try out the crumpet rings.

I mixed up the batter from an Internet recipe. This was pretty easy and quick, even though it did involve yeast. (No kneading, just dissolve the yeast til it bubbles, then mix in the other ingredients.)

The resulting thickish batter is then supposed to sit for 1/2 hour. I probably rushed it by about 10 minutes. In the meantime, the griddle and crumpet rings were preheating on the stove.

Next the batter gets spooned into the rings.

It is supposed to cook until bubbles form on the top and the batter is "set". Then flip them over, removing the rings, and let them brown just a little.

OK, but whoops. On my first try, by the time the batter looked set, the bottoms has burned.

Also, the insides of the first two seemed slightly underdone. So I turned down the heat a little, and poured a little less batter into the rings.

Much better.

It's all pretty much like making pancakes, but slower. Quite a bit slower, actually. But not a bad project for a rainy day.


  1. YUM!!! I've got to get me some of those rings! I love crumpets and can imagine that homemade tastes better than the ones from the store! Um! Warm crumpets and lemon curd! (Wanders off to make a cuppa tea...)

  2. Oooooooooo...Yum! I'm not sure I have ever had crumpets, but they sure look good.

  3. They look yummy! Isn't it nice to cook with gas... I miss that from my old house. DD and DS regularly burn their pancakes! I might have to give crumpets a try.

  4. Just right with butter and jam!

  5. Where did you find the crumpet rings? And what do the tasters have to say? They look great.

    Wish we were having a rainy day. Still some fires going, and my online weather told me it was 18% humidity this morning. My nose knows this, so does my skin.

  6. My husband loves crumpets--those look like they would be good for camping. I'm more of an English Muffin gal. Do you know how to make those?

  7. Oh my! Those look delicious! Crumpets are now going straight onto my "must make" list.


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