Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Misery Loves Company

Well "misery" is probably too strong a term. But, seriously, thanks to everyone who weighed in on the WIP/UFO situation. Special shout out to Firefly Nights who found herself in a similar spot on exactly the same project. Sistah!

I am happy to report that I have ripped back, re-printed my chart (because the first copy had mysteriously gone missing). and for now things are going forward smoothly.

In the meantime,

I've started in on the second Crest O' The Wave sock. I like to alternate back and forth between both halves of a pair, because then I finish both at approximately the same time. It doesn't make the whole process go any faster, but I avoid the "Now I have to go back and start all over" sensation. I do the same thing with mittens.


  1. Two socks at once? Great idea - now I have to go to my LYS to buy more needles.......

    Even better, I just remembered, I get to go tomorrow!

  2. Oooh I like the socks! Especially the lacy tops. I must have missed them when you made them before. I like to knit socks in pairs too. Alleviates second sock syndrome!


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