Friday, September 19, 2008

Aargh, Matey

I think I saw somewhere that it's Talk Like a Pirate Day. I could be wrong.

Things have been pretty busy chez Baxter so I don't have much in the way of knitting progress. Another inch on a sock, another inch on Hudson River, not enough of either to make it worth posting new pictures.

What is up with Wal-Mart? I was in Dodgeville and stopped in at the relatively new "super" Wal-Mart. I thought that if I could find red, white and blue balloons anywhere it would be there, but nooooo. Also, the store is enormous, but the available yarn selection was about 6 feet of sparsely filled shelving. They are clearly just trying to sell off what little bit they have left. Since their entirely insufficient selection of both yarns and balloons were fortunately located within 20 yards of the entrance, I was able to escape without penetrating any deeper into whatever it is they do have taking up all that space. Man, I miss Ben Franklins.


  1. You are preaching to the choir that lives in 4-H land, and whose Wally stopped carrying DMC. Crap.

  2. Come up nort. The W-M has 20+ feet of yarn and seems to be expanding. Lots of Red Heart, of course, but also Patons Wool.

  3. We still have yarn here in the WM's of the south, but no fabric departments any more!!

  4. Our Wally's in north central Massachusetts (so sad that it's plural)have discontinued fabric and yarn is just about non-existent. Needles?? pfui! Unfortunately, they have expanded (s)crapbooking supplies as well as retaining the "floral display" section. I get a laugh out of all the quilting supplies coupled with the complete lack of fabric and thread.

  5. Funny what a difference between stores. The "quilting supplies but no fabric" really makes me wonder who is doing their ordering.


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