Sunday, August 24, 2008

Merci Christine

It's always both humbling and gratifying to hear from someone who has knit one of my patterns and enjoyed it. So the other day, I was delighted to receive an email from Christine, who not only sent kind words about the Lace Fichu, but also enclosed a translation of the pattern into French, and offered me the use of it. As soon as I am able, I will make available a version of the pattern that includes the translation as a supplement.

In the meantime, I encourage you to visit Christine's blog In Tricot Veritas. The pictures need no translation. Her knitting is lovely, and her chat is tres charmant. (I have probably mangled the French already, but you get the idee.)


  1. it is so much fun to get those notes saying someone has enjoyed your work, and if I neglected to tell you The patterns of yours that I have made, have been awesome!!

  2. Well, my cat is so cute ? You're absolutely right, but Oscar is also slightly dull ! Thank you for your nice words about my blog, Christine


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