Monday, July 07, 2008

OK, now I'm rethinking the cardigans

from the last post. All that embroidery is not something I could wear without looking either silly or frumpy. I just couldn't pull it off. But on a person younger and/or more inherently cool than myself it might be smashing.

We had a nice, much needed rain this morning. A month ago we had more water than we could handle, but it had been very dry the last few weeks, and the yard was suffering. I don't do much outside irrigation, because village water is very expensive, and hauling hoses and watering cans around the yard is very time consuming. We generally let the lawn (such as it is) go dormant during long dry spells. But I do hate to loose the flowers. So the last few days I had been selectively watering. Maybe that was the rain charm.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for causing the rain! We needed it here, too....though I've been watering my hydrangeas...but only when they look really sad...


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