Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy 85th

to my Mom. Actually, her birthday was yesterday, but we brought our greetings in person then. If you met my mom, you wouldn't guess she is eighty-five. Still and active gardener, volunteer, water colorist, book club member, cook.... She takes a keen interest in the people around her and the larger world of current events. Here's to you, Mom!


Knitting America has been my bedtime reading lately, and very enjoyable, too. I was struck that a number of the photographs of children's items were from the Wisconsin State Historical Society. And then I remembered, the society has an absolutely terrific online archive of children's clothing. A few years back I spent hours pouring over the the pictures. Well worth a visit.


It seems early for the Rudbeckia to be in full bloom, but blooming they are.

Maybe the summer's just going faster than I had realized.

They spread like weeds, but make such a cheerful show.

The neighbor's sunflowers are cheerful, too.


  1. hAppy birthday to your mom, I hope I get to live that long!!! And be active and be knitting. The gardens are lovely, just 2 days ago I said to Tom it is almost time for the purple loosestrife to start blooming, today coming home from the bank there it was blooming away, its going way to fast!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to your mom! She sounds awesome!

    Yes, time is fleeting! Hang on! :-)

    I hope to see you later today...

  3. Well, please extend belated b-day greetings to your mom for me. She sounds like an exceptional woman and I'm glad to see you appreciate her. :)

    So, today I learned Black Eyed Susans are called Rudbeckia - thanks!


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