Monday, June 02, 2008


.... and the livin' is easy.
An early summer event that is coming up fast (next Saturday - June 7) is the second annual Lambs & Lettuce Festival at Circle M Farm. My friend Kriss and her family moved up here from Chicago a few years ago to start a small scale, sustainable farm, just on the outskirts of Blanchardville. This year, I'll be heading over after my morning stint at the library, to provide local color and knitting advice (as well as patterns for sale). It should be a fun day (full schedule at the link above). If you plan to come from the Madison area, be warned that St Hwy 78 is under construction and may be impassible for a few miles just outside Blanchardville. The upside to this is that it gives you the opportunity to take some truly lovely county roads for the last leg of the trip. My best advice: get yourself to New Glarus, then take Hwy 39 heading west. A couple of miles past the intersection with J, start watching for Hay Hollow Road. Go left on Hay Hollow and stay on it to Cty H. Go right on H and take it almost all the way into Blanchardville. Circle M will be on your right.


  1. That sounds really cool! I bet the kids would love it, if we weren't going to be in Iowa.

  2. This sounds like so much fun, and Baxter is such a cutie too :)

  3. We'd be there, except I've already committed to going to my former high school's 50th anniversary high school band/choir reunion. (Can you imagine the sound created by people who haven't played in band for 25 years or more?) Have fun! It sounds like it's going to be a really nice event!

  4. Sounds nice! I can picture it in my head. Strawberries won't be ripe for a few weeks, it's still a little cool in the morning....

    You guys have a kick-ass day!

  5. Oooh, that sounds like fun. We want photos.

    Hey, I wanna do what Baxter is doing.


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