Monday, May 19, 2008

Rolling Along?

Uh oh.
I did finish the triangle scarf/shawl. Laid it out to block yesterday. Checked on it this morning and....

the top edge is rolling. I was afraid this might happen, because the garter based section is really narrow. The swatch didn't do this, but the swatch 1) was in a different yarn, same weight but different structure - two ply instead of four, less twist and 2) it was much smaller and 3) though I'm not the first to mention it, swatches lie.

Now to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure I object to the look of the roll. In fact, I kind of like it. This is not a particularly formal looking lace. The question is, would other knitters look at it and think "I don't like that pattern because edges are not 'supposed' to roll"? Or can I just point it out as a design feature?

Another oddity, it's only rolling along half the length. Did I just inadvertently mash that roll into place when I put a towel on top of it for the night (to keep the cats off)? This was not pinned out, just stretched to shape and left to dry. I often block this way, and can give my theoretical reasons backed by a competent authority - maybe I will someday

But for now, what to do, what to do? I could try to re-block it flat (maybe with steam). Or I could spritz that flat part with water and nudge it into a roll, too.. Or I could rip back and work a wider edging. But design wise I don't particularly want a wider edging on that side.

I believe it was E.B. White who advised that if you aren't sure of the pronunciation of a word, you should speak it loudly and confidently, because you might just fool everyone else.

I think my first approach will be "spritz and roll". I'll keep you posted.


  1. The shawl's really pretty. I usually avoid this construction because of the "stair effect" along the edges (the stst portions before you have ennough sts to add another rep of the pattern), but I like it here.

  2. Pretty, pretty! I'll probably work this - when you've released the pattern ;-) - with a couple extra rows of garter, but in your sitch I'd 'spritz and roll' or 'spritz and flatten'. Whichever.

    I finished Dazed and Confused, and I'll post photos when I've blocked it. This could be gi-normous after blocking, since it's done with 440 yds of KP Gloss on a US6 and is currently about 60in as knitted. ;D

  3. Being a recent victim of having to knit something three times because I am gauge impaired, it gave me glee to have your confirmation that "swatches lie," so now I can say that I don't always make swatches, because, what good are they anyway? They lie! :-)

    I've never seen a shawl with a rolled edge (that I can remember), and I think my preference would be an edge that doesn't roll, though I could probably be swayed when you show your great and beautiful results rolling the rest of the edge. (However, my inclination and vote would be to re-block, perhaps with pins...)

  4. Dazed and Confused was my pattern for the day yesterday and I can't wait to get started, love the new shawl and think I have the perfect yarn for it!!

  5. Oh, I'd forgotten that the 20th was "my day" on the calendar. Whoo Hoo!


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