Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Reasons I Haven't Been Inside Knitting or Writing


  1. I don't blame you! What a beautiful garden!

  2. Oh, LOOK at those tulips! Here tulips are annuals, and they need 6-8 weeks in the fridge before planting, at that. Too much work for me. Your yard looks so inviting.

    The fiber festival sounds like a total hoot, and yes, the shorn alpaca does look like someone who was designed by Dr Seuss. Can you pet them? I'm hoping to get to an alpaca farm on Salt Spring Island next month when I go to the Vancouver area for a knitting retreat. I'm a complete sucker for alpaca, and I have 2 huge tubs of 100% and blends.

  3. Nice tulips! We have some pretty ones coming up now, too. I think the Mr. must have planted them, because otherwise, I don't have clue where they came from!

  4. You're so right about it being difficult to stay inside knitting/blogging on a day like today -- especially when it seems like I was shoveling snow only a couple of weeks ago... My favorite season is definitely fall, though spring certainly has it's charms (and nice weather)!!

  5. Nobody can blame you, that's for sure! Enjoy them, the spring flowers pass too soon.

  6. AnonymousMay 06, 2008

    Wellllll...........OK. We'll let you off the hook this time. :-)

  7. they look like jolly good reasons to me :)

  8. Very pretty, thanks for sharing, I miss having a garden to drool over!!


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