Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is it Monday Already?

No, wait, it's Tuesday.... long weekends do that to me. Add the fact that even though it was Memorial Day, we still have a week before it's June, and I am thoroughly confused.

Besides being Memorial Day this was also Graduation Weekend, which around here is almost a bigger deal. The graduation ceremony was Friday evening. Often I don't attend (though as a teacher, Mr S. is pretty faithful), but this year my friend Gretchen's twins were graduating - two of the nicest kids you will ever meet.

All of my pictures came out badly, but those are the twins leading the recessional (Molly was valedictorian).

The rest of the weekend was pretty much taken up with graduation parties. Almost every senior has a party, with a buffet and a display of pictures and awards/activities, and a table for gifts. The kids pretty much make the rounds. Adults are by invitation, but lots of invitations go out. Some people rent halls, some have them at home, some rent tents, or use a machine shed. As a teacher, Mr S gets lots of invitations, and we realized a few years back that it is impossible to get to all of them, but we hit quite a few. Fortunately, the weather was beautiful, and we had some pretty drives through the country, had the opportunity to run into folks we hadn't seen in awhile and generally enjoyed the sense of community good fellowship.

Now it's back to work. My goal for the week is to get the triangle scarf pattern into final format. I asked CatBookMom to take a look at the first draft, and, as I expected, her comments were very helpful. A big "Thank You"!

OK, Cindy, buckle down....................


  1. Aw, I'm blushing here. It's a good pattern, and I'm having fun knitting it.

    It's good that parents and family are honoring their graduates with parties like that. Kids need the love and the recognition.

  2. You Party Animal You! Looking forward to seeing you Saturday!

  3. I challenge you...to a MEME. Over on my blog!


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