Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I had so much fun with the scrap hat that I just kept going.

I'm having a little bit of a problem confining myself to pieces of wool that aren't long enough to use for anything else. I keep wanting to grab another color from some of those fuller skeins. It does help that I can combine thinner yarns (which just adds to the color play).

For her Earth Day post, Dale-Harriet quoted a slogan from the days of World War II: "Use It Up, Wear It Out, ,Make It Do, Or Do Without." Seems like a good thought for these times, as well.

And I was also inspired by Laura's "free" skirts - really creative and cute.

I have a feeling this is going to become an ongoing project. I've set aside a scrap bag. Now I need to work on some other things so I will have leftovers to fill it up.

One of those other projects is a pair of mittens: sort of a "first draft" for a pattern.

This is the size small (would probably fit someone in the twelve year old range). I have mostly hidden the cuff of the first one because I didn't get exactly what I wanted on the first try. I could rip it back easily enough, because I knit them from the top down. But I don't think I will, since it's a trial run anyway. The thumb isn't finished on the one with the cuff I like; and I haven't snugged up the top or woven in ends. I will take care of those details, and then I'll cast on for a second pair in a different color combination and a larger size.


  1. Whoa! "Toe-up" mittens?!! That just never occurred to me... They look really nice!

    I like your hats! There's something very satisfying about combining a bunch of stuff that isn't really useful on its own, and combining it with other stuff, and ending up with something useful and unique.

  2. Oooo! Cute hats and mittens! I'll have to try that scrap method. I have roughly 6.2 metric tons of scraps. That's a lot of hats!

  3. I have so many scraps---hats they shall be!


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