Thursday, April 24, 2008

Made it in time

Finished the 4th Mission Possible project before the end of April. Yay!

The Ackward Socks are all done. I was a bit dubious when they came off the needles. They were a bit, um, lumpy. But blocking really did work it's magic. (I don't usually block socks at all, but I wanted them to look nice for their picture.)

All in all, if I do these again I'm going to handle to patterning on the gusset and sole differently. But they will be nice and warm next winter, with a sort of homey, folksy feel.

So what's next on the list? Well I do still have one more afghan's worth of Warm Up America blocks.

These have been "out of sight, out of mind" for I'd guess at least a year. All acrylic, mostly rather firmly crocheted, made by volunteers who sent them to the Craft Yarn Council, who sent them to me. High time I got started on putting them together (I did volunteer,after all). I'm not even going to try to get this all done in a month. I'll get started and work diligently, if intermittently (promise to self and the world).

That leaves me needing a "sure to be finished before May is done project". I think I'll improvise a hat. That's always fun.


  1. Your socks turned out great!

    Good luck with sewing together the blocks for the blanket... It would be a real challenge for me to commit to finishing that in a month, too. I bet that once you get going on it, however.....

  2. Those socks are adorable! Good for you for finishing up projects! Goin' to the alpaca show this weekend?

  3. AnonymousMay 06, 2008

    Great socks! If I were a knitter of colorwork, which I am not, I would think about making some. Then again, maybe I should think about finishing my WIPs.


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