Friday, April 04, 2008

Look What The Mailman Brought

Well, actually we don't have a mailman. We pick up our mail at the P.O., and the postmistress is a woman. But I'm getting off topic.

I'm working on a new lace scarf design, and Marie from Brooklyn Handspun is graciously providing yarn support.

This is hand dyed 100% merino fingering, in a semi-solid colorway called High Sea. It has lovely very subtle variations of blue-greens. The second photo comes a little closer to capturing it, but neither really do it justice.

Of course, I could hardly wait to start swatching.

Well, I really could hardly wait to jump right in to the scarf. But I knew better. There isn't any way to tell how lace is going to block out until you do, you know, block it. The swatch is drying now, and I may in fact go down a needle size. Which means I may just have to go to Late Night Knitting at the Sow's Ear tonight, because somehow I don't seem to have a bamboo circ in the next size down. Not that the advertised big yarn sale has anything to do with my urge to head north.... But again, I digress.

My intention for the scarf pattern is a basic, easy lace with optional knit on edgings at the ends. Prior to the arrival of the "real" yarn I tried out a few possibilities using some of the sock yarn stash, and I think I have settled on the combination I want. I'm chompin' at the bit to really get rolling.


  1. Definitely, you must go to the Sow's Ear. The knitting gods are speaking to you...

    Your crocus are so lovely!! I might have a daffodil bloom in another week :-)

  2. Oh pretty!!!

    Your title and opening made me think of one of my dad's little witticisms: "If we had bacon, we could have BLTs, if we had lettuce and tomatoes. Oh, and bread, too."


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