Monday, March 10, 2008

This morning the cranes flew over

with their purring, chirruping whirl of a call. Looking up, I saw two, gracefully rowing across the sky. The cardinals have been more vocal of late, as have other small birds whose names I don't know. But the cranes are absolute confirmation. The season has turned.


Next step in the Mission Possible line up: mend a pile o' socks.

Really only 3/4 of a pile, because two out of eight were fixed before the stack started growing. They just happened to be from two different pairs.

I've started with the solid teal pair in front. These are so fuzzy and pilled that you can hardly see the pattern stitch, but 1) they are warm, 2) it takes less time to mend than to knit a new pair (even if it is less fun), 3) it feels wasteful in all kinds of ways to toss them when they are just getting thin in the heel. Since I caught them before the yarn wore all the way through, this is simple duplicate stitch reinforcement. The next pair back is another story (see gaping hole).

If I am very good, and work steadily through the whole pile, I may treat myself to casting on for a new pair.


  1. I saw a sandhill last week too and today I say ROBINS! Rejoice! Spring is on its way!


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