Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oh Johnny!

Johnny Depp is coming to town! Well, not our town, exactly. He's coming to Wisconsin to shoot some movie scenes. Rumor (and the local paper) has it that there will be a day or two on location at the county courthouse over in Darlington. So where do I go to sign up as an extra?


I did order a bag of the Elann Esprit, and yes I'm glad I did. The Canyon Rose color is very pretty. I've never used this yarn for anything but socks, and that was the intention for this batch. But maybe I should get adventurous and try a tank top or tee.

There was a perfectly lovely show about Pete Seeger on PBS last night (American Masters). I think I've said this before, but I truly believe he is one of the seven just persons who hold up the universe. It also reminded me of the power of music and song to effect change. Where are the songs that can end this war?


The last two days have been cold, but gloriously sunny. The angle of the light is higher. Tomorrow will be March. I'm beginning to think that spring may actually be on the way.


  1. I have optimism about spring, too. It's still light at 5:30! I try not to complain about winter, but this year, spring is going to feel so freeing, so wonderful, such a relief!!!

  2. I hate to burst your bubble, but tomorrow is February 29, not March 1. Leap year and all...

    Only 36 hours until March is all. I am SO ready for spring.

  3. Eeyore here, checking in to say how much I'll miss winter...

    Johnny Depp? Seriously???

    I wonder if instituting the draft would bring out the songwriters.

  4. Who would ever have thought that Wisconsin was going to be actively marketing itself as a location for shooting movies..."..we've got lakeshore, city, country..." etc. How fun, none the less!

    Perhaps your area of Wisconsin might be running a little bit ahead of the rest of us in terms of when February ends and March begins... :-) Just had to give you a hard time :-)

  5. Feb. 29? Feb 29???? La, la, la, la, la - fingers in ears "I can't hear you."

  6. Man, the time difference between Madison and you must contain some kind of sci fi shift! :-) Our dept is having a Beach Party tomorrow to celebrate Leap Day. complete with a weenie roast, smores, tropical shirts and sunglasses!
    Canyon Rose is BEAUTIFUL. It would make a lovely top!

  7. For my previous job I spent a day with the archivist at the Woodie Guthrie Foundation in NYC. Everyone kept talking about this guy named Pete. Not till I was back home and telling a co-worker about the day did I realize exactly which Pete they meant!


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