Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If at first.....

Well, I thought I would make another stab at focaccia, taking into account some helpful suggestions from readers. Our local store doesn't carry refrigerated or frozen pizza crust, but it did have this.

And while I was there I picked up some rosemary and garlic granules, too.

When it was done it looked like this.

Next time I will mix up two packages of pizza dough and make it twice as thick. And I will bake it in a cake pan or just build up the edges some. From perusing actual recipies on the internet, I'm beginning to suspect that the chewy texture I crave is impossible without sourdough starter. And I am without it. (On the other hand, there was one that started with a "sponge" that didn't look too difficult, and might come close...) But this actually tasted very good. And it was easy. And fast to put together. I polished off half of it as soon as it came out of the oven, then forced myself to leave the rest for Mr S. It would hardly be fair for a guy to come home to signs of baking, but no actual baked goods. If I weren't a woman with scruples I would have eaten it all.


I've started the first mitten. Had to stop and fiddle with the charts after deciding that I did want a thumb gusset after all.

Note to Linda L - those colors are good. We'll see.

Note to all - if at any point it appears that my spelling has deteriorated I can assure you that it is no worse than it ever was. My Blogger spell check won't work, and I haven't yet figured out how to get it running again. Things could get intirasting.


  1. I highly recommend a sponge starter. Pretty easy and it really adds complexity to the bread dough.

  2. I use a bread machine and there are some really easy recipes for foccaccia and ciabatta. Well worth a try if you get into breadmaking mode.
    You can get the machine to do all of the mixing and kneading then bake the bread in the oven. Smells great too.

  3. I've heard that the "5 minutes a day artisan bread" people have a dough that, if you leave it in the fridge for a week or 10 days, has a sourdough taste to it. Haven't tried it myself, but Miss T. tells me that's what happened she she made it, and she was very happy with it.

  4. Good on you! And I'm so very glad to hear you have scruples :)

  5. It's not just your Blogger spell check - mine as well. I think it's all over...

  6. I can't figure out why, but suddenly I am hungry for some nice, chewy bread...

  7. Oooh! My spellchecker won't work either. I thought it was just me, but apparently it's a Blogger problem! Ummm that bread looks tasty. The rosemary reminded me that I got some rosemary and garlic baked chips at Target (Archer brand) and they were yummy too. Now where did I stash those? Hmmmm...(wanders off to hunt).

  8. Tom and i have a cookbook (I blogged about it) called Small Batch Baking, the foccia is to die for and tom adds sliced grapes to the top during the rise ---It is really good, everything in the book is!!


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