Thursday, January 24, 2008

Messin' Around With Short Rows

I'm playing around with some short row shaping and color changes.

I like the effect, but what could it possibly be? The yoke of a sweater for Bucky Badger? A skirt for Molly the American Girl doll? The beginnings of an extremely funky hat? But, darn, that's going to be a lot of ends to weave in.


  1. A nose warmer with a vent on the end of it? I like the Bucky Badger sweater idea...

  2. A badger? You have a badger? What do the cats think?!

  3. Why are there so many ends? Are you not carrying the colour up the edge?
    I've made an OLD baby sweater that is sort of like that.
    I have seen skirts patterns knitted on the knitting machine done like that too.

  4. For Tracykm - Yup, not carrying color up the side. Why? Umm, could claim a halfbaked idea that at this point isn't going to be put into execution. But it's probably more accurate to chalk it up to thickheadedness.

    For Magnusmog - Well I don't have a badger, but I sort of am a Badger. Wisconsin is the Badger State, Bucky is the mascot of the UW sports teams.


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