Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Just a quick follow up

to yesterday's post:

I should have made it more clear that the Ravelry "ughs" are all self selected. If you post one of your projects, you can rate your happiness level. Projects given the lowest ratings may appear when you go to the People tab and click "show me the ughs". But no one is rating other peoples' projects this way.

It can be very educational when knitters comment on their disappointments, and in one case at least (intentionally) extremely funny. They can range from perceptive analysis of why a particular yarn was unsuitable for the pattern selected to "I knew it was coming out too big, but I kept going anyway" to "I just lost interest and frogged it".


Kmkat: thanks for the link to the Interim House blog! This looks like a wonderful project. Everyone, go take a look at it.

But honey, be careful what you wish for: "...you could just send your extra yarn to me..." Because you could end up with a honking big pile of eyelash on your doorstep. Not a threat, or anything...


  1. You're welcome! (and don't you dare!)

  2. I'm going to have to definitely check out the Ughs! Maybe show them to my dh -- He asked me a couple of weeks ago which I do more of -- knitting or ripping... To him, it must seem like I do a lot of ripping...but I'm absolutely certain that the "net" results in finished objects (more knitting than ripping....)

  3. My husband always says "If your knitting gets you so upset, why do you do it?" - he just doesn't understand that I want it perfect (and that I like the occasional challenge of getting the pattern to work out exactly right)!

    I've been looking at oddball stash too and wondering what to do. Making an afgan out of it just doesn't appeal - it would just be another project to "have to work on".


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