Sunday, January 06, 2008

I am going to get my yarn organized, yes indeed.

Here's how it went on Wednesday...

I will at least get all the bits of worsted weight wool into one place. I'll use the 3-drawer plastic bin that I traded for with Loveliest Daughter (she got my old camera.) But wait, first I have to go put the wheels on the bin, and rearrange things in the spare room so I have a place to put it.

Wheels on, unit positioned. Now haul all the cardboard boxes out of the closet and start sorting. Oooh, look what I found.

An almost finished object. Felted clutch purse - still needs magnetic clasp. Add to shopping list. Go to You Tube for background music. Not enough k.d. lang doing country, but I'll settle for what I can get.

Throw odds and ends of worsted in top drawer. Some ends less than 10 yds. Toss out or save? Decide to save for now. Oooh, look what else I found.

More GD eyelash. On the other hand, I did come across a ball of Kidsilk Haze. I'd been wondering where it had gone to. Ok, lace weight will go in the bottom drawer. Run out to car for Springsteen Seeger Sessions CD, because all of a sudden I really want to hear "Mary Don't You Weep". D**n. Seeger CD missing. Go with Aretha. Note to self: what am I going to do with one ball of Kidsilk Haze?

Search attic for stray worsted yarn. None there, but found some sport weight wool. Yay! Now I can swatch for the mittens. (I like those colors, but are they mitten colors? Is that really sport weight? Note to self, check WPI.)

There's room yet in the bottom drawer. I'll put it there. Wander around trying to find that can of Diet Pepsi I put down somewhere. Crank up Aretha a notch. Pull out some things I have finally convinced myself I will really never, ever use - no really. Set aside for thrift store. Return remaining cardboard boxes to closet (sock yarn, 3 partial balls Plymouth Encore all different colors, couple unmatched skeins of bulky.)

Go downstairs to sunroom to check contents of cedar chest. Move all the houseplants off chest to be able to open.

Inside: a bunch of partial comes of shetland that is somewhere between lace and fingering in odd colors, some more odd balls of fingering wool, 2 skeins (one white, one gray) of gaawgeous handspun worsted wool that I had been "saving for good" so long I forgot I had them, one ball of extremely scratchy pale pink worsted wool (rug yarn?), 2 balls of gray wool left over from a sweater made years ago. (glad I found it, the elbows on that sweater are wearing and need reinforcing). Replace plants. Carry gaawgeous wool and mending yarn back upstairs, (leave scratchy pink behind and pretend it doesn't exist.)

Sit down and groove to Aretha. Decide that's enough moving yarn back and forth for one day. Haul empty cardboard boxes to garage. Note to self: find Springsteen, mend sweater sleeves, figure out where time goes.


  1. Sometimes I wonder how productive I am when I "organize". I was chuckling all the way through your post...

  2. Yeah, that's me, too, wandering through the house trying to find the cup of tea/bottle of water/iPod/headphones/whatever that I had a minute ago.

    Let me know if Bruce's CD has disappeared permanently and I'll burn you a copy of mine.

  3. Where indeed does the time go?

    Thankfully, my kids go back to school tomorrow and just in time, too. We've all had way too much togetherness. Then I can play in my yarn, too.

  4. Cindy,

    I had to laugh at your description of your organizing odyssey. I've had many days like that.

    Congratulations, though, on accomplishing as much as you did. You're way, way ahead of me!

  5. I thought I was the only one who organized that way (which is why I hardly bother anymore...)

  6. Yeah, I was carting sock yarn all over the place yesterday, trying to consolidate it. Who knew I had so much? (Well, I guess I did, but still...)


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