Tuesday, December 11, 2007

On the loose with the camera again

We've been really fortunate to escape the worst of the ice storm. The roads are slick enough that schools have been cancelled all over, but no power outages. There was some sleet in the morning, but mostly it's been snowing all day. I went out and shovelled the walks a few hours ago, mostly just for an excuse to be outside. Mr S will give them another going over later this afternoon. Went to the Post Office to mail sister's families gifts because I realized "Oh my gosh, it's only two weeks until Christmas." But that's as far from home as I'll be roaming today.

Last night was the Middle School/High School concert. Nephew Scott plays with the High School band, so of course we went. As an added bonus, the Jr. Class had a bake sale to raise funds for Prom, so I picked up some brownies and a loaf of peanut butter chocolate chip bread. Sounded potentially odd, but it's actually yummy.

CM answers for days 10 & 11

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't remember any really any bad ones. Unless you count the boss who gave us uniform shirts to be worn on casual Fridays. I guess it was a good gift in the sense that at least we didn't have to pay for them..... But it sure felt more like Mr. Scrooge than Mr Fezziwig.

11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Christmas cards? Christmas cards? No seriously, most years I do put a few in the mail. And Mr S sends out more than I do.


  1. Thanksfully that ice storm missed us farther north. Stay safe!

  2. Glad to know the ice storm wasn't to severe with you - we saw some of the news coverage and it looked incredible - all of those branches and trees cracking and falling.


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