Friday, December 28, 2007


One of these things is not like the others (click on pic if you need to embiggen)...

Lovely as they are, holidays leave me feeling somewhat disjointed and missing my bearings. What day of the week is it, and am I supposed to be doing something, like going to work? Add lots of snow on top of that, and a husband who is home during the day and I'm pretty totally confused. Just this evening I was sitting in front of the TV waiting for the Saturday "Brit Coms", when I belatedly realized that it's Friday.

We had a nice Christmas. Mom and Dearest Daughter arrived early in the evening on the 24th and stayed until mid-day on the 26th. It was mostly low key, as we like, interspersed with some more boisterous jollity when we went next door to the Brother-in-Law's for dinner on the 25th. My Anglophile Mr. S made Christmas Pudding, as has been his custom for several years. This year he added Christmas Crackers to his repertoire, which were a hit. We all put on our tissue paper crowns, read aloud the corny jokes and enthusiastically employed our noisemakers as Mr. S set the pudding aflame.

One of my loveliest gifts came from sister A-Pazoo. These are earrings crocheted with silver wire. The artist, Maria Rudnick, is a silversmith and fiber artist, and a friend of Sister A.

Another most cherished gift came from Dearest Daughter.

This is a skein of handspun hand dyed Navajo 3 ply Falkland wool, worsted-aran weight (188 yds). She bought it at the High Noon Saloon Holiday Craftacular (next year I have to get there). It's absolutely lovely, and I'm needing ideas for something really special to make out of it. Something about the yarn says "cables" to me right now, though rationally I'm not sure the variegation would suit cables....


  1. Cindy,
    When I was a child, we always had silly paper crowns and Christmas crackers, too. (My father was English) By the time my younger siblings came along (I was 10 when the first one showed up), we'd done away with those, which at the time I didn't miss, but now, all these years later, your post made me nostalgic for them. Maybe next year!

    Love the earrings, and that yarn is lovely. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  2. From your caption I assume you figured out NOT to throw away that bag of wrappings just yet... Baxter looks so cozy.

  3. Such lovely yarn! You'll have fun with that!

  4. wow I love the earrings and the yarn, they are beautiful Happy New Year!!!


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