Wednesday, November 14, 2007

This yarn wants to be ....

I have some nice sport weight alpaca that's been lounging around in the stash for months, trying to decide what it wants to be. Today it made up it's mind. It's going to be mitts. Hand warmers. Fingerless gloves. Whatever.

The weather has turned nippy, the wind is keen, it's dark by five. I need some cozy. So I admit, I gave the yarn a nudge.
The old mitts I've been wearing for three years are still functional, the thrill has gone out of the relationship. Same old thing every day, all winter long. Besides, they've never been quite as long as I would like.
So the plan is this: I'll do another set of garter stitch rectangles, but wider, and this time I'll knit in an edging. If the stash yarn cooperates, I might even make a headband to match.


  1. I'd recommend you knit yourself a pair of Fetchings from Knitty -- so much more interesting!

  2. Hmmm, Fetching is a great pattern. I would have to double the yarn to do it. Thinking, thinking...

  3. Sounds like a plan. Give your old ones a proper send off though. They've been loyal all these years!

  4. My red fingerless mittens are done on little needles ( ok, can't remember how little but I can check ) The pattern is pretty much a normal mitten pattern but instead of doing the dome shape for the top, you do slightly less but in rib.
    I've been wearing mine today, things are getting chillier here too.


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