Wednesday, November 28, 2007

socks, slippers and mittens needed, especially mittens

Thanks to a heads up on Kmkat's blog, I learned about a very worthy project that is in great need of hand knitted gifts for elementary school in Oklahoma. A very caring teacher, Rachel, is trying to make sure that every child recieves hand knit gifts this holiday season. There is more information (and links to patterns) at the Soaring Eagles Blog. If you can help, let Rachel know so she can keep her tally of what is still needed. The email address is on the blog.

This is a school where almost all of the students are below poverty level, and as you can imagine, many of the families are pretty messed up. Those kids need gifts, and they need to know that someone cares about them. If you can be that someone, please let Rachel know. The deadline for her to recieve items is Dec. 17.

I've just cast on for a pair of mittens.

Graphic blatently taken from Kmkat, I know she won't mind


  1. Is this a yearly thing? I would love to participate, but can't fire anything off the needles by deadline.

  2. I do wish I had been aware sooner,too. That's why I felt all I could promise was one pair of mittens. So I hope the project happens again next year.

  3. Thanks Cindy! What a great project!

  4. Thanks, Cindy! I finished my 2 pairs of socks and have a pair of mittens OTN, plus some colorful superwash for another couple pairs. They DO go fast.

  5. Yay! I'm just starting my third pair of mittens.


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