Sunday, November 11, 2007

Grasshopper, not Ant

Well, I finally got the last of the tulip bulbs in on Saturday afternoon. The first bunch went in about a month ago, when the days were still warm and I felt that I had lots of time even though it was October already. Funny how fast it got to be November. Scraping frost off the back window of the car on Friday I realized the ground is going to be frozen soon. So I got that last bunch in. Took longer to clear away the grass that had crept into the beds than to actually plant (we're not talking hundreds of bulbs here, just about a dozen). In the process, I inadvertently dug up some crocus from past years. Endearingly, they were already putting out roots. I tucked them back in and hoped for the best.


The socks in Elann Esprit are done, (though I haven't been able to get a picture that's entirely to my liking yet.) So at least in that area I have managed to work ahead - come spring I'll have new socks to wear among the tulips.

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