Sunday, November 04, 2007

Baxter E. Neuman

It's kmkat's fault really. She sent me a Lolcat, which linked to the page where you can make your own.

Or you can just go and look at lots of cat pictures. Not that I'm going to spend way too much time doing that, uh uh, not me.


  1. Gotcha! Another friend to whom I sent that same lolcat replied that she finds herself talking in lolcat to her dog and is even tempted to write her file notes at work in it "...I had to hold myself back from noting on a customer's account that she was going to report us to the Attorney General cuz we r sew meen!!1!"

  2. Our whole family is stuck on I Can Has Cheeseburger.

  3. It's kind of scary :) I mean, well educated, articulate women (and we are, aren't we?)

    Now excuse me, I think I need to go put some stuff on my cat.....

  4. Intelligent women need cats and humour, it gaives us respite from the serious and horrible things in the world.

    I can't put stuff on my cat, he responds with claws :)


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