Saturday, October 20, 2007

3494 people are ahead of you in line.

Getting closer to the Ravelry gate. Looks like sometime next week. It may just happen while I'm out of town.

Next Friday, Mr. S and I will leave the house before the crack of dawn and fly to New Orleans for a long weekend. We will meet a couple of dear friends from California; eat Beignets, gumbo mufallettas, and anything etouffee; drink Cafe au Lait and possibly other substances; and listen to as much music as possible. It could be interesting (in any number of senses) being in the French Quarter just a few days before Halloween. It all sounds sort of jet-setty, flying out for the weekend. Believe me, this is not our normal mode. But a number of different circumstances fell into place, so off we go.

Between now and then, I'll be up in Madison for a day on a "photo shoot". Elizabeth, (who's as good a photographer as she is a knitter, and that's saying something) has very generously offered to help me get better pictures for some of my patterns. We have something afoot...

And of course I have my regular library work schedule.

Soooo, I may not be posting a lot over the next week and a half, but I'll try to sneak in a quicky or two.


  1. Have a great time and good luck with the something afoot - the suspense is killing me :)

  2. Good luck on your photo shoot! Elizabeth is the best! Also, a safe and fun trip, you jet-setter you...

  3. Oh, the "something afoot" is not a major suspense item. No Baxterknits books in the works yet or anything.

  4. have a wonderful time, we'll miss you but know it will make great blog material for when you return!!

  5. Have a great trip! NOLA is one of the few cities in the US I haven't visited. Count me a little bit green with envy :-)


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