Friday, August 10, 2007

If there is a box available

Baxter will be in it,

even if the box is about two sizes too small.


  1. What a cutie! I love when cats do silly things like that, I can't help but love 'em.

  2. I used to have a cat that learned to curl up in my then-boyfriend's sports car hat when it (the cat) was a kitten. It then grew to be about 12 pounds but still liked to sleep in the hat. Looked about like Baxter in his box, large bits of cat hanging over the edge.

  3. Why do cats think they'll fit? Silly guy.

  4. If you were to go to and look up Perry Penelope you would see her getting into her bag. She's not awfully fond of boxes, but put a brown paper bag in front of her and she's there! After knocking it down and being in it, she will get out, flatten it down with her paws, making sure there's a "pillow" at the end where the fold is, and lay upon it. Aren't cats grand though? They sure do bring a smile to my face :)


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