Friday, July 06, 2007

Well wadda ya know?

When I opened the door to let the cats out just now, a mystery box was sitting on the step. What on earth could it be? The only order I've placed recently is the one with Knit Picks., and this isn't from them.

Aha, the 2008 Knitting Pattern a day calendar.

with (Whoo Hoo!) my Zig Zag lace scarf pattern in it (Tues, May 20).

More Whoo Hoo, it even showed up on the back of the box. I was so excited to get pictures that I haven't given the rest of the calendar a thorough look yet. Nikki, I did see your funky fingerless mitts. Anyone else? I'll find you eventually, but leave your date and I'll find you faster. Oh I do shamelessly love to see my name in knit-related print!

On the home front, the Pumpkin Vine that Ate Blanchardville has bloomed.

This was a couple of days ago. There is now a little green pumpkin developing at the spot of that top blossom, about five feet off the ground.


  1. Go Cindy!

    I didn't get anything together for that submission, but maybe next year.

    We have the twin pumpkin vine threatening to eat Madison in our yard. Owen planted it. I hope something makes it to a decent size by fall.

  2. Congrats on your pattern in the calendar! Now I have a really good excuse to buy it.....

  3. AnonymousJuly 08, 2007

    Hi Cindy, thank you for the compliments for my shawl on KR!
    I see you have done some great works, congratulations!

  4. Congratulations on the calendar! How cool is that! I will have to buy one!


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