Sunday, July 01, 2007


I am feeling much happier after a live phone call from Mr S and Ms A this morning (yesterday's contact was just a message on the machine when I got home from work.) Something about actually being able to talk to them helped put things in perspective. Thanks Kat and Elizabeth for the empathy and encouragement - it means a lot.


On my way home from Last Saturday Knitting, I stopped by the Sow's Ear just to check what was on sale. Not a lot that interested me, but I did pick up two balls of Classic Elite "Waterlily" at 50% off. 100% merino, it's sooo soft. The color is just a bit more rust than it appears in the picture. I have plans for a hat.


I'm going to treat myself to the new Selbuvotter book by Terri Shea. Elizabeth kindly brought her copy to knitting group so I could take a look first hand, and I liked what I saw. A nice section on history and lots of mitten charts.


  1. AnonymousJuly 01, 2007

    I'm so glad you were able to talk to them. What a comfort and a relief that must have been.

    What I really, really want to know is how you restrained yourself and bought only two (2!) balls of that gorgeous Waterlily. I love that color!

  2. Glad to know that everyone is fine. The alert level here in the UK is critical but that also means that the police etc will be extra vigilant and that's no bad thing. They will be safe home with you soon :)

  3. AnonymousJuly 03, 2007

    That's really good that you heard from them. I can only imagine how much anxiety you must have been feeling! You'll have a wonderful celebration when they return!


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