Friday, June 08, 2007

"What is so rare as a day in June?
Then, if ever, come perfect days..."

Yesterday was oppressive. Hot, humid heavy air. Serious tornado warnings in the late afternoon (we didn't head for the basement, but we were ready to). Then some rain and more sticky heat.

This morning the front had passed. I woke up to a crisp, almost chilly breeze coming in the window. The sun is out, the air is clear as can be, temp around 70 with a light breeze, in short as perfect a day as a person can hope to enjoy.

I hopped in the car to deliver some patterns down to the Argyle Fiber Mill.

Stopped at a hilltop cemetery on the way to get the panoramic view

I really would have liked to keep going all the way to Iowa, the drive was that pretty. But... gas prices, global warming and the fact that I have things yet to do this afternoon.....

Here's the front of the Fiber Mill. The real entrance is around the side. That is to say, this is the real front entrance, but if Liz and Kristi are running the machines they leave a note, and you go to the side door and in through the work area (which I think is more fun, because you get to see things in action.)

Part of my "things to do" involves this

I haven't worked with Cotton Ease before. After swatching I've decided that I like it. It isn't as heavy as 100% cotton worsted, and is a little more elastic. Just looking at it in the ball, I thought it might be splitty, but so far (about 5" into a sleeve) that isn't proving to be a problem at all. And it's reasonably soft.

When knitting strictly for myself, I've always been a wool gal. But now that I have more wool sweaters than I reasonably need, cotton/cotton blends are starting to appeal.


  1. I have been curious about this yarn and eager to work with it, too. It has lots of fans. Alas, I think I've already bought enough cotton for both this and the next summer's knits, so I'd better refrain. Can't wait to see what you make with it, though.

  2. Glad to hear the weather turned out fine after all :)


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