Thursday, May 17, 2007

You have to love a girl

(young woman, really), who calls from the Saver's (thrift store) to ask, "Mom, can you dye acrylic yarn?" She wanted to know because she found a hand knit sweater and felt badly about someone's knitting sitting in a bin for $2, and she wanted to give it a home, but it was "an awful shade of pink". My daughter is not a pink person, in any shade. Sadly I had to inform her that while nylon would take dye, acrylic would not. So we agreed to hold the thought that someone really would come along who absolutely loved the color. But that impulse to honor a knitter's work, ah it made my day.


On the meme theme: another thing I have done is modular knitting, though not quite the Vivian Hoxboro style.

These are mitered squares, worked on picked up stitches (no seams). I'm assuming that it is somewhere in Afghanistan - at least it was sent to afghans for Afghans a while back (another old picture - still no camera batteries). I guess it it would also count as "textured knitting". I played aroud with different little knit/purl and slip stitch patterns as I went. Another "no swatch, no prior planning, use up the stash project."


  1. Your "no planning" projects turn out great! I love the blanket, and very nice with all of the added stitch patterns / textures! I wish there was a way to trace the life of items like that, destined for people who are suffering in some way... Important work, none the less...

  2. AnonymousMay 18, 2007

    You can dye acrylic yourself, it's just quite toxic and dangerous.

  3. Mmm...toxic and dangerous, guess I'll be sticking to natural fibers for any dying experiments.


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