Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Feels like I've just finished finals week

The baby project is done. Three sweaters, three blankets, three hats. Patterns written, photographic models completed. Box packed.

Yesterday it went to the Post Office, on it's way to the publisher at last. I always suffer "project fatigue" about three quarters of the way through the knitting, assailed by doubts, wracked by thoughts of how I should have done something differently. It's just part of the process. But as I took a last fond look at this bunch before sealing up the box I thought, "You know, these are pretty darn cute!" Now on to the next project...

In the evening I went downtown for the Women's Club project I enjoy most in the year: planting the flower barrels along Main Street.

It doesn't look like much now, but those petunias are going to fill out and look lovely. As we women planted, Jim followed along watering from milk jugs he had filled from the river. Jim is a bit eccentric, (or maybe just a little crotchety), but he takes the job of keeping the barrels watered seriously.

We also planted red and white petunias in the Historical Society window box.

It's a banner year for the yellow iris. Women's Club can't take credit for those, another volunteer took on that bed as her special project. This town pretty much runs on volunteers.

The weather has been hot dry and windy. Plants out in the yard are starting to droop. But I expect we will have a downpour before long, because:

The peonies are starting to open (hand holding stem because of high wind). Every year when the peonies are at their height, we get a downpour that pretty much flattens them. I'm not whining. I'm just saying how it is. It gives me an excuse to cut them and bring them into the house. So I'm looking forward to a good rain.


  1. I love those plantings and flowers! Especially the irises and peonies. They are some of my favorite spring flowers. Glad you baby project is done!

  2. I, too, wonder if my plants will ever stand upright again! They look droopy, though the soil is wet (because I've been watering the new plantings), so I imagine they'll all pull through, but I always worry just a little. I suppose if that's all I have to worry about, I've got things pretty good. Anyway, at this point, I'll be there on Saturday, and hope that you can make it, too. It would be fun to meet you! Congrats on finishing up the box contents!

  3. We won't get rain for about a week, even though they are forecasting it for tonight. I can say this for the same reason you can - my peonies are about a week away from full bloom. THe rain will try to ruin them before I can get them (and all the ants!) into the house!

  4. Yup, It just poured yesterday, a couple of times, just about 1/2 hour each time, but pounding, driving rain. Well, we really needed the rain....

  5. I love peonies, but have never had one in my garden for some reason.
    My mom is very involved with her's town horticultural society. We were going to the library in her town (she's 4 hours away) and she asked what I thought of the flower bed. I said "It looks a lot like yours!" LOL. When you drive around, you can pick out who else are members and have her 'cast offs'.

  6. I'm a collector of "cast offs" myself. They're usually the sturdiest things in the yard, probably because 1) they've already survived our climate in someone else's yard and 2) they multiply fast enough to be given away. That's my kind of plant.


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