Thursday, April 05, 2007

What I will be doing

Two big boxes of yarn have arrived. I will be busy for the next month and a half writing patterns and knitting models for 3 baby sets (cardigans, bonnets & blankets). I've done one hat and started in on the first of the cardigans. These are due at the end of May, so I have enough time, but no time to waste. The first challenge was grading the little sweater to fit 3 sizes while maintaining the Little Leaf Stripe pattern. I think I have that licked, but I'm never really confident until I have actually knit the item.


We have had hard freezes the last two nights, and the poor tulip leaves, which were so flourishing, have been flattened. I still have hope that they may recover. I've learned after all these years that Spring in Wisconsin is never a steady progress, and also learned to accept what comes. If the tulips don't make it, there will be the peonies and early daylilies a little farther on. Still, I've got my fingers crossed.


In the meantime, Happy Easter.


  1. Hippety Hoppety to you too. Love the old-timey P Rabbit look. And isn't it a great feeling when you carry in a box and open it to so many bits of yarny happiness?

  2. Hi Cindy,

    I'm Mary who ordered the yarn for those sweet baby sets you'll be working on. Glad to see you received the yarn. Can't wait to see the finished product!


  3. I lamented my own laid-flat-by-hard-freeze tulip leaves this morning, too. It was 16° last night, brrrr. Hope you are right that they might still have a chance.

  4. Oh those bunnies...they are soooo cute when they aren't eating my flowers.

    Thanks Mary! I'm very (!) happy with the color selection, especially fond of the Lilac.

    Kmkat, I won't give up hope until the tulip leaves are positively dead, but the weather reports remain grim. Hope your hand is doing OK.


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