Friday, March 02, 2007

Still Snowing

Between drizzle, sleet, freezing rain and, yes, more snow, the local schools have been closed the last two days. So Mr S has been puttering around the house, a nice benefit for me was that part of his puttering included making baked Ziti for supper last night.

I'm pretty excited that Leisure Arts has used some of my sock patterns in their new I Can't Believe I'm Knitting Socks book; and my copies arrived yesterday. I didn't write the book (just provided patterns), so I can say without too much prejudice that it's a very good introduction to sock knitting, with lots of photographs and illustrations (including a good step by step section on grafting/Kitchner stitch).

What else? I competed about another inch of the Gypsy Girl shawl, but not enough to make posting another picture worthwhile at this point. I like the way the center pattern is developing. I've used two basic motifs, but I'm doing some slight variations in the way I'm combining them. This keeps things interesting (challenging) in the working, and will provide a little "variety within unity" visually (at least that's the goal).

Still slipping stitches. I worked on these last night when my fried Lu came for our weekly knitting session. The bottom one was just to show her how stitches can be slipped over one, two or three rows (right to left in the picture), the top one was to show her how this can result in a color pattern.

I'm trying to decide on a format for the alleged "tutorial". Separate blog posts feel like they would be too disjointed and/or intrusive. Maybe a second blog just for this project. There's my geocities site, but I haven't gotten the hang of working with it to come up with a decent looking page. I'm trying to analyze why I feel stuck on this, and it has more to do with the computer than with the knitting....

Oh well, when all else fails, post a cat picture

Making good use of a Snow Day


  1. Congrats on having some patterns in the publication! It looks like a really nice booklet!

    Ah yes, the weather..... At least we've had school, but many have told me they're tired of winter.....

  2. Congratulations on being published!

    Love the cat pic. I'm not sure I've ever seen a brown cat with white markings, only black. I thought it was a dog when I first glanced at it (don't tell your cat)

  3. What a cat! Perfect way to spend a snow day.

    Regarding the tutorial: I think you can make separate blog posts on your Blogger blog and then make sidebar links to them. Maybe not the most elegant solution, but it gets the job done.

  4. Congratulations on the sock patterns being published! I'll be on the lookout for it.

    A "crochet fork"? Never heard of that. Sounds dangerous, like the Fork of Horripulation :)

    I found another knitting reference for you in Wilkie Collin's book, Hide and Seek. The Rector's wife, Mrs Joyce is knitting a fancy jacket for one of her children:

    "What a very odd man he is!" said Mrs Joyce, taking up a droped stitch in the fancy jacket. (p.64, Oxford University Press)

    Not much but more than you usually get in novels!

  5. Oops, that should be "dropped" not "droped"! Where's the edit button? :)


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