Monday, March 19, 2007

My excuse for not writing much lately

Last week was busier than some. Wednesday I spent most of the day with Mom in Madison, taking her in for some medical tests, than going to lunch and taking her shopping. A little of the week was spent on Women's Club follow up. But mostly I have spent almost every free moment in the yard.

I have lots and lots of spring bulb starting to come up. But they have been trying to push their way through a mat of last year's fallen leaves, sticks, and weeds. So I have been clearing away, pulling, and cutting back the remaining perennial stalks that block the view. This is always one of the most gratifying tasks of the garden year. It's like greeting old friends and a new birth at the same time. (I'm not so fond of the dandelions springing forth, but at least they are fairly easy to pull while they are still small and the ground is muddy and soft.)

The little patch of crocus above is the first to bloom. But the daffodils and tulips won't be too far behind. I'm about half way through the clearance project. The old hips and knees are stiffer than they used to be. So far, I have a blood blister on my thumb and a largish splinter. I can hardly wait to get outside again.

Updated to add: I just spotted the first robin in the yard. I was a good girl and made myself finish the latest entry on the Slip Stitch project. Now I am so out the door...

1 comment:

  1. We still have snow in Minneapolis and Polk County, WI. Maybe next week...

    My yellow mini daffs and bright blue scilla are always a sight for sore eyes. For some unknown reason I have no crocus -- gotta fix that.

    It's also fun to go into the woods and find the hepaticas blooming as soon as the snow is gone. You'd swear there was nothing alive there. The forest floor will be covered in dead grey leaves but sharp eyes will spot those little lavender and white blooms.


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