Saturday, February 17, 2007

Whatever Happened to Gypsy Girl?

"...'The very first time I saw that admirable woman, Johnson,' said Mr Crummles, drawing a little nearer, and speaking in the tone of confidential friendship, 'she stood upon her head on the butt-end of a spear, surrounded with blazing fireworks.'
'You astonish me!' said Nicholas.
'She astonished me!' returned Mr Crummles, with a very serious countenance. 'Such grace, coupled with such dignity! I adored her from that moment.' "
- Charles Dickens "Nicholas Nickleby"


Gypsy Girl had been set aside for a time, while I attended to other matters. Now I've picked her up again and she is growing slowly (more and more slowly as the rows get longer).

Such grace coupled with such dignity.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh! Very nice, hurry up and show me more!!! (There, does that inspire you?)


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