Thursday, January 04, 2007

Grit Teeth and Rip

I finally got back to the Tiger Tiger Stole, and thought I was waltzing along nicely, when I glanced down and saw this

Down toward the bottom. Three holes where only two holes should be.

Why is it that some projects flow smoothly, while others are just one roadblock after another? Were the stars out of line when I started? Do I unconsciously not care, because I really want to be getting on to something else? It isn't the difficulty of the pattern - this section is extremely simple.

Well, I'll take it as an opportunity to practice self-discipline and build character. I'll do it, but I won't like it. I hate ripping out.

1 comment:

  1. >> Why is it that some projects flow smoothly, while others are just one roadblock after another? <<

    OK, it's not just me. I won't say 'Hurray', since it's not a happy thing, but I've had my fair share of these projects, most recently the shades-of-brown scarf. Frogged 6 in of it several times; when I switched to shades-of-green yarn, no problem. Weird Karma? Astrological? Sunspots?


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