Friday, December 01, 2006


I meant to do that


  1. yLooks like Baxter's having a little Christmas cheer! Young Mimi is a Catnip-oholic. She wanders around the house with her Catnip Sock in her mouth yowling. Giving a new meaning to the phrase, "put a sock in it!"

  2. ***Grin*** Mimi's got a Catnip Jones. Catnip sock, eh? Gives me an idea for kitty Christmas presents...

  3. ROFLMAO! Oh, Baxter, you are such a cute kitty! But don't tell him I laughed.

    For the absolute most effective catnip, google for stuff from Hot Cats. Hard to find, but OMG. The first one I brought home (found on a trip), the cats fought over, except the alpha cat, who dumped the trash looking for the wrappings.

    Our little Shadow has a very tattered mousie, about which she sings in the wee hours, always in the hallway, where the best echoes are, lol!


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