Thursday, December 21, 2006

More Than One Way to Skin a Stash

Ribbon? I don't need no stinkin' ribbon.
Sure, it only got rid of a few yards, but I have more packages to go.....

And then there's this

This has been sitting around for about a year. I bought it because I really, really wanted ONE OF EVERY COLOR! But then I didn't do anything with it (except for one ugly yellow and one nice red) partly because I didn't have a project, but mostly because if I did start using it I wouldn't have one of every color any more. (It's not like it's all that hard to re-order from Knit Picks, or anything).

But now I know I want to make something Latvian inspired. Maybe mittens, maybe socks. So it's time to start gauge swatching. So I will take two of the colors that call out to me the least (hell, I don't want to "waste" the ones I really like), get out the dpns (you don't think I would ever work stranded knitting flat?) and get going.


  1. ROFL! I totally understand the hesitation to use up the yarn; had the same problem every year, not wanting to ruin all those beautiful new crayons. I have quite a few of those colors, intended for Lucy Neatby's rainbow zigzag socks, but it will be a while....

  2. I think Bloglines forgot to tell me about this post. Because I would have gushed all over your blog about that neato keeno box o' colors! I want one!!

  3. WOW. That's funny. I'm impressed. I can understand what you're saying but having that much new, fresh stuff in stash would nag at me and I'd knit something!


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