Thursday, December 14, 2006

Fa La La La La....

It's nearly time for the decorations to go up in the house. We will bring the tree in and trim it on Sunday, and I'll get all the Santas up on the mantel, and wind the faux pine garland round the stair railing. Some folks, of course, have had this all done since the day after Thanksgiving. Call me old fashioned, but I like to wait. (I also like to leave things up until Epiphany, but practical considerations like vacation schedules have led to compromise on that end.)

This will go up on the tree. If I run across a little silk holly leaf with berries before then, I'll put that in the middle.

So will this. (The pink thing is a teeny little garter st scarf. What you can't see is the seriously cute little skein of what looks like handpaint hiding behind the handle.) la la la!

1 comment:

  1. Thank heavens, I'm not the only one without my tree up yet! DH was asking today. Of course, his birthday is the day before Christmas Eve so I have twice as much to do!

    I like your knitting ornaments. I have a few that I crocheted a few years ago with cotton thread. I love the looks of them but although I can knit with laceweight there is something about trying to crochet with the same size thread that confounds me.


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